Amanda Bynes has cancelled a hearing set to take place today at the psychiatric hospital she is currently in. The Nickelodeon actress reportedly wants her medication to kick in before being set in front of a judge.

Bynes’ lawyer petitioned for an early dismissal earlier today after a judge ordered her 72-hour hold be extended to 2 weeks. However, before the hearing could take place, TMZ reports that the 27-year-old cancelled the hearing stating that she wanted to be in the right frame of mind when she meets with the judge.

Sources close to the situation state that the evidence Bynes and her team planned to show today is exactly what they used yesterday when their attempts were deemed unsuccessful. Bynes asked that her hearing be pushed into next week so her body can adjust the medication she is receiving.

TMZ notes the big step Bynes is taking as the former Easy A actress has constantly argued that she does not suffer from a mental illness.

Image: Amanda Bynes Twitter