Amanda Bynes has put off her scheduled hearing to get out of the psych ward for another two weeks, claiming she needs time for her meds to kick in before the appears to the judge.

According to TMZ, Amanda is angry at being held against her will, but is hoping that the medicine prescribed to her will help her clear her head so she can make a better case as to why she should be granted freedom. As TMZ points out, this is a huge step forward for the “She’s the Man” star whom recently it seems has had a public mental breakdown.

Amanda’s parents also appeared to the judge today in hopes of obtaining a conservatorship, but the judge said he wanted face-to-face time with Amanda before making that decision reported US Magazine.

The hearing for her to gain her freedom back will be held on August 1st, but the hearing for her parent’s plea for a conservatorship will be held on August 9th.