Andrew Garfield took the Comic Con stage to promote the upcoming The Amazing Spider Man 2 , answering questions about the film and his perspective on being famous, but shying away from inquires about on and off screen love Emma Stone.

“We've got such a multidimensional story with multidimensional characters and a real cohesion,” Garfield said of the sequel, according to The Huffington Post . “It's big, it's small. I've just got such a good feeling about it. I'm really hoping it lives up to my expectations.”

Working with Jamie Foxx, who plays the villain Electro, certainly lived up to Garfield’s expectations, though the actor said he initially tried to play it cool around the Django Unchained star.

“Famous people scare me,” the new Peter Parker said. “I get really nervous around famous people. ... I overcompensate (with) how unimpressed I am, which is completely and utter rubbish. So I'm a fan. But of course, with someone like Jamie who's not only this presence, but such an incredible talent, multitalented, who I've been a fan of for ages, is just a great man, a great person, and a gentle, kind, good soul and good spirit, and then suddenly it's like, let's shoot some hoops, have a chat, meet his daughter.”

Garfield also sung praise about girlfriend Stone, who stars alongside the 29-year-old as Parker’s love interest Gwen Stacey. When asked about his relationship, Garfield replied, “no comment,” keeping his private life with The Help actress private. However, the actor did divulge that Stone is difficult to “keep up with.”

“She's a great gal, and, as we all know, a singular talent, like a completely unique, singular talent,” Garfield said, according to Us Weekly . “She just was born like a purebred, in terms of you just say `go' and she goes. It's infuriating because I can't keep up with it. So it's beautiful to work with such an incredibly talented and wonderful person."

Sources say that the tight-lipped couple are in “no rush to get engaged,” but have been sharing an apartment in New York City since April 2012.

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