Our new weekly column is a collection of funny, inspirational, cute, interesting, or otherwise worthwhile internet time-wasters. Got feedback? Want to suggest something for next week? Comment below!

Disclaimer: these may not be the most timely findings, but they are things that have just been discovered this week.

Worthwhile: Since I “liked” UpWorthy on Facebook two days ago, I’ve wasted well over three hours of my time on it — and felt good about it. From the heartwarming to the educational or just awesome, UpWorthy has something for everyone from the latest and greatest on the internet.

Funny: Have you ever heard the phrase “all the ___” (for example, “let’s do all the work!” or “I have all the toys!”), usually used in a deliberately silly way? That comes from this: HyperboleandaHalf. ADHD writer/artist Allie Brosh also came up with the meme below, as well as the Alot and other viral image memes. Seriously, she’s hilarious. Just go check it out for some laughs. WARNING: READ IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. Do NOT start with the latest post and work your way backwards—it won’t make sense and it won’t be funny.

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For Millenials: As a millennial myself, I have a lot of pent-up rage for the vague, generalized criticism my generation receives (in case you’re wondering, we’re all the babies born from 1982 – 2000). And it’s not always easy to articulate that frustration. Luckily, Pulitzer Prize finalist Matt Bors has made a lovely little rant/infographic/cartoon about it at CNN.

P.S. — If you aren’t a millennial, but you’re one of the angry complainers who like to tell millennials how annoying and worthless we all are, I would certainly appreciate it if you read this too.

Sweet: Bear with me. I realize handwritten letters are not everyone’s cup of tea or special treat, but the premise behind MoreLoveLetters is simple and, well, loveable. To fight depression, college graduate Hannah Brencher made a promise on her blog: send her a postal address and she’d handwrite a love letter—not romantic, but certainly sweet and kind—to be posted to that address, no questions asked. If you or someone you know needs cheering up, or is the kind of person who loves getting mail, you can leave your address for the community of 20,000+ writers. Or, if you enjoy calligraphy pens and cursive, you can join them with a few pointers. College students can start an on-campus movement, and younger kids can do it too! The price is a postage stamp and, for receivers, your address; the reward is huge.

Useful: Okay, so, some of you readers already have vacations planned out for the next decade, down to hotel bookings and detailed itineraries. And some of you will look at this and think “Vacation? What vacation? I don’t have the money/time/leave/effort for that!” But there are at least five months before this NY Times list of “The 46 Places to Go in 2013” expires, and it’s a good source of inspiration (or dreams) anytime. Even if you’ll never get to Hvar, Croatia, sometimes it’s nice to sit and look at the pictures and dream for a little while. And if you are looking, there’s something for everyone on this list, with handy sort-by-region bar at the top and U.S. destinations.