Television show Big Brother aired on CBS on June 26, 2013 and already has served up a fresh plate of drama.
Both Aaryn Gries and GinaMarie Zimmerman are models that are housemates on the show. Within the few episodes that have already aired, the two models have caused quite an uproar with their racist comments and hateful attitude.
Gries’s talent agency, Zephyr Talent released a statement saying that Aaryn has “revealed prejudices and other beliefs that we (Zephyr Talent) do not condone." The talent agency then when on to confirm that they’ve decided to let Gries go from their company.
East Coast USA Pageant, Inc. has also stated that they’ve too let Zimmerman go from their agency. They claim that they’ve never seen this side to Zimmerman and are shocked that the 32 year-old could "display such acts of hate and racism."
For those who don’t know what Big Brother is all about, cameras record a group of strangers living in a house together for three months. The housemates vote a member out of the house until only one is left standing. It’s kind of like a Survivor except you’re not fighting for your lives on a deserted island.