A game of capture the flag ignites sparks at camp Little Otter.

The episode opens with campers and counselors of Little Otter family camp enjoying breakfast; parents hesitantly enjoy a calorie-loaded muffin, while fit, Abercrombie-look-alike counselors stack piles of syrup-drenched french toast on plates. Mack, the camp director and owner of the camp, dishes to her friends, Raffi, Todd, and Sheila, about how she and her recently divorced ex-husband still share credit card bills, cell phone plans, and, mostly importantly, their son Buzz. Needless to say, her friends are not happy about Mack’s approach to a “friendly divorce.” So it’s no surprise that Steve, Mack’s ex-husband, walks into the recreation hall during breakfast after a fight with his new woman and Buzz offers him a place at camp until things blow over. At the same time, Cole, Mack’s right-hand man, announces that there will be a camp-wide game of capture the flag-- yellow team versus green team--and the loser has to serve the other team dinner.

The announcement of the game happens to be the same day as when Kipp and Marina, two counselors-in-training who don’t feel quite accepted at camp, decide to have a “positive day,” a day when everything is perfect and smiles and attitudes are filled with joy! In a test of their positive attitudes, Marina and Kipp are placed on the same team as Zoey, the mean girl of Little Otter. Later, Kipp’s positivity is also tested when camper, Chloe, finds out his big secret: Kipp has leukemia! He denies it, but nosey and awkward Chloe won’t let it go; she has made it her job to know everyone’s secrets.

As campers get ready for the two-day game of capture the flag, captains for the teams are chosen. Mack is selected as the green team captain, while her ex-husband, Steve, is chosen to be the yellow team’s leader. Senior counselor Sarah expresses her displeasure that she wasn’t captain to her boyfriend, Robbie. At that moment, a message is waiting for Robbie that his mom called. His mother is a habitual gambler who raised Robbie on the belief that “every loss is a step closer to a win.” Against Robbie’s wish, he goes to find out what the emergency is just as the game is about to begin.

The whistle is blown and everyone starts throwing water balloons to take in prisoners. Little Otter is beaming with joy and competition. Everyone is enjoying themselves except for Kipp, who runs down to the lake to be alone and read a book. He can’t escape Chloe, who takes him in as a prisoner and asks him numerous questions about his disease. As the games heat up, Cole of the green team spies on Steve and the yellow team with baby monitors. Mack walks in and happens to hear Steve invite Buzz to live with him every other week, before he even bothered to work out the details and set boundaries with his ex-wife. Buzz is excited to hang out with his dad more.

Meanwhile, Robbie meets his mom at a casino that she doesn’t want to leave. She explains to him that she’s put all of her rent money in one slot and needs to borrow some from him to pay the bills. Robbie, being recently accepted to Stanford Law school, resists letting her borrow the cash. In the end, he goes to Roger, the director of expensive Richfield camp from down the lake, who lends him the money. Upon knowing the true reason for Robbie needing so much money, Roger advises him to cut off his mom. Sarah paraphrases the Serenity Prayer as her advice to him, saying that everything will work out.

Back at camp, Mack is furious and confronts Steve about inviting Buzz to stay with him without talking to her first. Steve explains how much he misses his son and the two begin to reminisce about raising Buzz together. This walk down memory lane ends up with Steve kissing Mack! Cole sees the kiss and immediately pulls Mack away, scolding her for falling for his tricks. Mack then harshly reminds Cole that he is just her employee and calls him a burnout.

To cool down from the chaos of the kiss and the argument, Mack goes to her friends, Raffi and Todd, who explain that Buzz living with his dad for a longer time may be a good way to prepare for when he goes off to college in a few years. Taking their advice, during the campfire that night, Mack gives Steve her blessing and tells Buzz he can stay at his dad’s more often. Just then, Steve’s new woman shows up to camp and takes him back. Steve later explains to Mack that because of the new living arrangements with his girlfriend, he can’t take Buzz in after all. Mack leaves it to Steve to break the news to Buzz.

Back at the campfire, Marina and teammate Greg are hitting it off, despite Kipp’s disappointment. The two go off for a walk and Kipp notices them holding hands. Frustrated, he tells Chloe of the yellow team where the flag is so that the game can finally end.

Robbie gets called back to his mom’s, thinking there was another emergency, only to learn that she gambled the money he gave her, made a lobster dinner, and bought him a present. Irate, Robbie walks out and declares that he is done with her and that she should just go do whatever makes her happy.

The next morning, while Mack thinks Steve is breaking the news to Buzz, he’s really just talking about boobs. Later, Kipp confesses to Cole that he revealed the location of the flag. He says that jealousy over Marina made him do it and that being blackmailed by Chloe about his leukemia made it worse. Kipp feels that people not knowing makes him normal. Cole figures that his disease will be the thing that gets him laid that summer. With this new confession, the two teams get ready to take the flags.

Cole and Kipp singlehandedly fight off a gang of yellow team members from taking their flag. Kipp lets go of his frustration from the last two days and actually has fun. Mack then finds out that Steve never told Buzz that he couldn’t stay with him and accidentally tells him herself, breaking his heart. In a rage, she leads the charge to steal the yellow flag and realizes that a “friendly divorce” won’t work with him. The green team gains the flag and wins the game.

At the celebratory dinner for the green team, Mack apologizes to Cole about insulting him and the two make up, leaving Cole with a smile on his face. Kipp sees Marina and Greg at the other end of the room and storms off in a jealous rage. Chloe chases after him and Kipp yells at her for blackmailing him about the disease and says that he doesn’t care who knows anymore. She then surprises him with a kiss and he kisses her right back.

After some time has passed, Robbie opens his gift from his mom’s winnings and sees a Mont Blanc pen--used specifically by lawyers. He realizes that was her way of saying congratulations on being accepted to law school. He takes Sarah’s advice of using the Serenity Prayer and goes back to enjoy that special lobster dinner.