Big Brother contestant Candice Stewart has been the target of fellow houseguest Aaryn Gries’ racist attacks. Stewart’s mother has now come forward, calling the former model a “racist devil.”
TMZ caught up with Stewart’s mother, Hazel, where she explained she is so turned off the shows obvious allowing of her daughter being bullied that she is encouraging her church to boycott the show all together.
Hazel explains that it “hurts” to watch her daughter suffer such bullying on live television calling Gries “a devil," adding, “She's mean and a racist."
The controversy surrounding the contestants racism, especially that of Gries, GinaMarie Zimmerman and Stewart Clawson, surfaced not during the Primetime show, but rather the live “after dark” feed.
Reality Blurred published a series of racist, homophobic and sexist comments from the beginning weeks of the show. Among Gries’ comments include : “Be careful what you say in the dark; you might not be able to see that bitch,” Zimmerman referred to the insurance she has as “n***er insurance” and in the following weeks the racism has only escalated from there.
Friday, TMZ posted a video not shown on live of Gries turning over Stewarts mattress then mocking Stewart saying, “Whatchu gon do gurrl ... class girl? Where's yo class?"
As Stewart began defending herself, Zimmerman jumped in saying, “You want the black to come out?"
After fellow constant Howard picked up Stewart to remove her from the confrontation, Gries is heard saying she wouldn’t touch her bed because she doesn’t “want to get crabs.”
Hazel tells TMZ that her church will no longer watch Big Brother because of the obvious display of racism. “The community thinks Candice is being bullied."
She adds, “I would have known this is the way the show would turn out, I would have convinced Candice not to go."
Image: CBS