Chris Pratt underwent a body transformation to get ready for his new film Guardians of the Galaxy. The actor showed off his hard work on Instagram over the weekend, saying he had to give up beer to get a six-pack.
Pratt, 34, captioned the picture, “Six months no beer. #GOTG Kinda douchey to post this but my brother made me.”
Anna Faris’ husband is no stranger to giving up drinking beer to prepare for a movie role. When prepping for Zero Dark Thirty, he also got into tip-top shape to portray a Navy SEAL.
E! Online reports he said back then "I worked out really hard and I cut out everything bad for me for a long time and I just focused on trying to become a believable Navy SEAL."
But he hasn’t always gotten buff for film roles, Us Weekly notes he gained 60 pounds last year for the film Starbuck, which stars Vince Vaughn. “I just did it the old fashioned way: eating and drinking my face off,” he told Jay Leno last December.
image: Instagram