Fox showed off the first trailer for Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey, the sequel to Carl Sagan’s legendary PBS series that continues to be a tool to teach students about the universe. The follow-up features today’s best-known astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Entertainment Weekly reports that the new trailer shows off the mix of computer animation and inspiring real images that will be used throughout the series. It is expected to premiere in spring 2014 and is actually executive produced by Set MacFarlane. Sagan’s widow, Ann Druyan, is also an executive producer.
“[Cosmos] spent time learning—exploring—how to make science matter to you, as a human being, as a citizen, as a species with the capacity to reflect on its own existence. And those kind of messages are timeless,” Tyson told reporters at comic-Con, reports Wired. “They’re layered onto whatever is the science of the day, but it’s the science of the day that gives us knowledge about how to think about our place in the universe.”
Druyan was also in attendance and she said that Cosmos aims to help bring science to more people and get more passionate about the topics. “That’s what Cosmos is about. It’s about a hopeful vision of the future,” she said. “It’s about the future we could still have—it’s not too late—that is within our grasp if we could just awaken from this stupor that we’re in.”
image: YouTube