Note to international popstars: get yourselves up-to-date on current events!

During a show in Turkmenistan this weekend, Jennifer Lopez sang "Happy Birthday" to the country's leader. The country's leader has been accused of violating human rights and her representatives are now saying she wouldn't have performed had she known.

According to Yahoo Gurgaganguly Berdimuhamedow was not actually in attendance. The leader has been criticized by countless human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch who rank his rule "among the most repressive in the world."

J.Lo's spokesman Mark Young told CNN that the singer and other artists were invited to perform at the private event for the China Natural Pertroleum Corporation. "The [Corporation] made a last-minute 'birthday greeting' request prior to Jennifer taking the stage," he said.

The 43-year-olds publicist released a statement saying, "Had there been knowledge of human rights issues any kind, Jennifer would not have attended."

The central Asian country was part of the Soviet Union until 1991 and is rich in gas and oil resources. It borders Iran and Afghanistan.