Justin Bieber has been doing quite a lot of apologizing lately.

Earlier this week, TMZ released a video of Justin Bieber urinating in a mop bucket in a restaurant. After he was done relieving himself, he sprayed a cleaning liquid on a picture of former president Bill Clinton and said “F--- you, Billy Clinton.”

According to Z100, Bieber has called up the former president he dissed to apologize. Clinton accepted the apology and apparently took some time to talk to Bieber about his behavior and how he could use his fame for good. By the end of the conversation Bieber had offered to help with the Clinton Global Initiative. Clinton also warned Bieber to choose his friends carefully since it was one of them who must have sent the disgusting video to TMZ in the first place.

Bieber Tweeted his thanks on his official Twitter, but it has since been taken down for reasons unknown. He followed the Tweet by saying he was trying to “stay strong” and “learning to be better.” Looks like Bieber is aiming for the victim role once again.