The fifth episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians premiered June 23. This episode consisted of Rob's erratic behavior, Kendall and Kylie's sibling rivalry, and Scott's fears prevent him from starting a racing career.
Rob has been acting weird lately. His constant lies cause the family to not believe him when he was stranded after his car was stolen. The family is annoyed with his behavior, so they want to know the root of his problems. Days later, a paparazzi presses charges on Rob for an unknown reason. Rob goes to court, however the case is dropped. Later, Kris invites a therapist to her house so she can express her concerns about Rob. The therapist reassures Kris that Rob's attitude change is not her fault. Kris tells Rob to talk to her therapist because she is concerned about Rob's mental health, but he dismisses the suggestion.
Kendall and Kylie are bumping heads, which is expected because they are sisters. Kylie goes to a dinner with a friend, but does not invite Kendall. Kylie expresses that she needs a break from Kendall because Kendall puts pressure on her. Kendall finds out that Kylie went to the dinner without her and she is angry with her. Later, Kendall calls Khloe about a disagreement that she had with Kylie. Then Kylie and her friends leave a mess in the kitchen but Kendall gets blamed for it. The incident causes yet another argument. Khloe brings Kendall and Kylie together to patch things up. Kendall and Kylie call a truce after Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe tells stories of their own sisterly fights.
Scott wants to become a race car driver; It has been his life-long dream. Scott goes to racing school and realizes that his classmates have more racing experience than him, which makes him nervous. He felt like the "odd man out" so he left the class. He says that being in the class made him feel anxious. He also fears that everyone is expecting him to fail. Kourtney tells him not to worry about what others think.