Former Growing Pains star, Kirk Cameron's new film has already caused a bit of controversy.

MSN reports that YouTube and Facebook had censored a trailer for Cameron's film, "Unstoppable." The film tries to tackle the question of why bad things happen to good people.

He wrote on a post, "Facebook has officially "blocked" me and you (and everyone else) from posting any link to my new movie at UnstoppableTheMovieDOTcom, labeling the content as "abusive", "unsafe", and "spammy"!" YouTube also attached a "violation" warning, removing the trailer.

Cameron pleaded his Facebook fans to, "please help us encourage Facebook to unblock our website soon by sharing this post with your friends so more people can see this transparent, faith-building project."

It is likely that Facebook and YouTube's ban was due to the movie’s religious content.

Cameron has caused quite a stir for his outspoken religious views in the past.

After getting support from thousands on Facebook, the site and YouTube gave in and unblocked the trailer. "Victory!! Friends, you did it! Because of your firm, loving, and clear voice, not only did Facebook welcome us back, YouTube also removed its block on our Unstoppable movie trailer. We are back online with full access," Cameron posted on his Facebook page.

The film will been screened at Liberty University on Sept. 24. See below for the trailer.