Paula Deen has been making headlines for the past couple of weeks due to a civil lawsuit filed by former manager at Deen's restaurant, Lisa Jackson last month regarding her treatment of her workers. Since the scandal began the chef has made appearances and statements in which she's spoken out against the backlash she's been receiving.

Having been circulating social circles for weeks now, the story has become a little miscostrued on certain sites, for example many facebook and users of other social sites seem to believe Paula Deen is being accused and punished for her use of the N word, which she had admitted to using "more than once" in her FBI Depositio.

But that is not the full story.

"This lawsuit has never been about teh N-word," Jackson says in statement delivered to CNN by her lawyer Matthew Billips. "It's to address Ms. Deen's patterns of disrespect and degradation of people that she deems to be inferior."

Jackson is suing Paula Deen and her brother Bubba Heier, for their alleged acts of violence, discrimination and racism that resulted in her ending her 5 year employment at their restaurants Deen's Lady & Sons and Bubba's Seafood and Oyster House in Savannah, Georgia.

LIsa Jackson goes on to tell CNN, "I may be a white woman, but Ic ould no longer tolerate her abuse of power as a business owner, nor her condonation of Mr. Heir's despicable behavior on da-to-day basis. I am what I am, and I am a human being that cares about all races, and that is why I feel it is important to be the voice for those who are too afraid to use theirs."

Paula Deen has said she does not tolerate prejudice and has made several apologies but she has been paying the price for these allegations in every aspect of her career. At least nine corporations have dropped their endorsement deals with Deen . Food Network has also announced that they will not be renewing her contract and publication for her anticipated cookbook has been canceled.