Pfc. Bradley Manning has been convicted of multiple charges against him but was found not guilty of aiding the enemy, the most serious of 21 counts.
The verdict was released on Tuesday by Judge Col. Denise Lind. Manning had requested that his fate be decided by a judge and not a jury, according CBS News.
Manning had confessed to leaking private government information to WikiLeaks. The documents included videos of airstrikes that killed civilians, hundreds of thousands of front-line incident reports, and dossiers on men held at Guantanamo Bay without trial, the New York Times reports.
He was convicted of five counts of espionage, five counts of theft, one count of computer fraud, and other military violations.
Though Manning pleaded guilty to lesser versions of the crimes he was charged with earlier this year, which could have given him up to 20 years in prison, the government pursued a trial and charged him with “aiding the enemy” and other violations of the Espionage Act, which could have stuck Manning with a life sentence.
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