Let’s take a moment to introduce the first royal to twitter and no, we’re not talking about a Hilton. Today at 10 a.m. Prince Andrew logged onto the popular social network under the username: TheDukeofYork.

In minutes the dukes had hundreds of followers and messages from all over the world but not all messages were positive, but then again, that can be expected.

The Duke as of today only seems to follows charities and organizations that he’s a part of.

According to NY Daily News Andrew is the first royal to be on twitter, even though there is evidence that some younger royals are on the site as well, just under different names.

When the Duke puts out a personal tweet, he has written that it will be signed off with a –AY. The few tweets that went out today lacked the personal two letters, so it’s safe to say that his staff tweeted for him according to E Online News.

With the royal birth only a few days away, we can’t wait to see what Duke Andrew will personally tweet about the baby and if the public is lucky, maybe even the Duchess and the prince himself.

Until then, let’s sit back and wait for some other royals to get a twitter.

I can’t imagine if Queen Elizabeth II was to get one, but one can dream.