Former American Idol contestant, Adam Lambert, will be joining the cast of Glee this fall. Co-creator Ryan Murphy tweeted a confirmation of Lambert’s casting on Wednesday.

Murphy wrote:

Murphy’s tweet will now end rumors that he could be filling one of the vacant judges seats on Idol. Randy Jackson, Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey have all announced they won’t be back next season.

It isn’t clear what type of role Lambert will play, but he isn’t the only Idol alum to appear on the show. Last season, runner-up Jessica Sanchez played rival Frida Romero for two episodes, MTV News reports.

Lambert has made it clear that he’s a fan of the show, telling THR Glee “really paints a picture of what it’s like to be an arts kid in high school. Glee is really irresistible -- it's charming.” He also called it “so cute."

Glee will return to Fox on Sept. 19.

image: Fox