I wanted to like this episode, I really did, but all it ended up being was a giant, unnecessary fight-fest between all the characters, arguing over the same things they argued about last episode. Harvey feels betrayed by Mike and Jessica, Rachel and Mike flounder spectacularly in their first moments as an official couple (there’s a reason I hate these two), and even Rachel and Donna duke it out. All I can say is, thank god for Louis. There were also no Brits in this episode, which also might be a reason I was less than pleased with it.

We start the episode in a scene with Donna, which is the best way to start any episode. Harvey has just updated her on his plan to take down Jessica and she is more than supportive, saying she’ll follow him to “the ends of the earth.” Mike walks into Harvey’s office and interrupts their discussion, telling Harvey about his conversation with Jessica during the last episode, in which he made it clear that he would take her down with him if she tried to blackmail him again. Harvey pretty much doesn’t really care.

We hear Louis’s voiceover as Mike packs up his fancy office, and we see Louis is addressing is beloved associates, telling them of his leave and their new British boss. He gives a little nonsensical speech, using some wise words from Robin Williams, as the associates, including Rachel, look on solemnly. To be honest, I’m surprised they’re not throwing a party because I’m pretty sure they all hate Louis. Mike walks in during the speech, and he and Rachel discuss Harvey’s lack of forgiveness. They banter a bit about a hug and a dead dog and it’s not really that cute or funny so let’s just skim over it.

Louis walks into Jessica’s office and she feels bad for him, so she agrees to let him mentor his own associate. Louis asks if he really can have any associate, and Jessica tells him he can have the pick of the (Litt)er. Get it? Louis Litt, (litt)er? What can I say, I like my puns.

Anyway, this segues us right into Louis asking Donna if Harvey will give him permission to take Mike. Donna essentially tells him to do his own dirty work, so Louis asks Harvey directly, who basically says he couldn’t care less if Louis takes Mike.

Jessica goes and sees Cameron Dennis. There’s some non-threatening threats thrown around. Blah blah. Let’s get on to Louis and Mike…

…Who are eating at a restaurant. I enjoy their bromance almost as much as Harvey and Mike’s, and these days, even more than Harvey and Mike’s, since all Harvey and Mike ever do now is fight. They eat steak. Louis feeds Mike cheesecake. Yum, cheesecake. This show always makes me hungry. Mike finds out he and Louis are working on an eminent domain case for the restaurant. Mike says no one ever wins eminent domain cases, which seems to be true –I’ve seen enough documentaries about eminent domain to know that the little people never win against the government. However, they both agree to try.

Back at the office, Rachel and Donna have a discussion about Harvey and Mike, agreeing that the guys’ problem shouldn’t be their problem. Donna gets down to business and asks Rachel the most “important emotional question”: the length of Mike’s…uh…you know. Donna does a hilarious demonstration by widening her fingers. I’m surprised that got by the censors, but I guess this show does air at 10 p.m.

Mike runs into Louis doing some research on eminent domain, and is surprised that Louis is doing any research at all. Louis says that his job his to “help you help me.” Aw. Mike references Jerry Maguire’s “help me help you,” thus satisfying Suit’s Obscure Movie Reference of the Week.

Harvey and Jessica are working on Ava Hessington’s case, and are watching a video that Cameron Dennis gave them in which it is evident that Ava gave over money to bribe the foreign official, although the video is without sound. Jessica and Harvey figure out Dennis used Ava’s protégé, Nick, who took a deal to sell her out.

Late night at the office – Louis and Mike are working on the case. Mike has some sort of breakthrough that makes it seem that they have a chance at winning.

The next day, we see Harvey pulling up in a Mustang to Cameron Dennis’s house. They exchange non-threatening threats. Blah blah. Harvey walks away. What was the point of that scene?

We cut to the courtroom during Louis and Mike’s testimony concerning the eminent domain case. Louis and Mike make a compelling argument, but the judge ends up ruling in favor of eminent domain. Boo. Mike says he’s sorry about the case, but Louis says now’s not the time to be sorry and instead we cut to Louis in a mud bath. Ha! While it’s hilarious, the view of Louis, naked, in a mud bath, has probably cost me a one-way ticket to Therapyville. Patrick J. Adams in his towel kind of makes up for it, though. I’m sorry, where was I? Ahem, right, Louis trying to convince Mike into the mud bath. Ugh, the close-up of Louis’s chest hair. Brb, going to find some toothpicks to gouge my eyes out. Mike eventually gets in the mud bath and predictably loves it. Mike lets Louis know that he knows why Louis picked him for the case and that Louis wants him as an associate. Louis sucks up to Mike, telling him that he’s “changed him” and the Mike makes him “want to be a better man.” Heh. Their love story is just so cute. While talking, Mike randomly has a breakthrough on the case and Louis gets excited and stands up, telling Mike to hit the showers. If the shot of Louis’s butt covered in mud isn’t enough to give me nightmares, I don’t know what is.

Meanwhile, Harvey and Ava discuss Nick’s treachery, and Ava’s solution is to bribe him so he will come back to her side. Harvey dissuades her of this and comes up with another plan. He goes to Nick directly and tries to convince him to come back to Ava’s side, solely on moral grounds. Well, that’s certainly a different tactic for Harvey.

Courtroom. Louis and Mike talk to the judge again about the eminent domain case. They find that the re-evaluated value of the property is too expensive for the project to go through, so the restaurant wins. Yay.

It’s the time in the episode when the fighting begins. Pointless fight #1: Rachel and Donna. Rachel, wearing a hideous skirt (seriously, where did she buy that monstrosity), tells Donna about Louis “stealing” Mike, and Donna says that it’s Mike and Harvey’s problem. Rachel tries to convince Donna to make Harvey forgive Mike, but Donna gives it to her straight, telling Rachel that she thinks Mike betrayed Harvey and it’s not very forgivable. Donna points out Mike’s lack of loyalty and basically tells Rachel it’s none of her business. Go, Donna.

This directly segues into Pointless Fight #2, as Mike walks in as soon as Donna leaves and Rachel spills that they had a fight. She tells Mike about what she asked Donna to do, and Mike gets pissed, letting her know that Harvey will see Mike as weak if he goes around begging Donna to ask for forgiveness on his behalf. He tells Rachel that it’s especially bad coming from her, since according to Harvey, she’s not supposed to know about the whole Harvard-fraud deal. Rachel gets angry that Mike has obligations and loyalties above her, since, you know, she’s supposed to be the center of his universe. Mike explains everything Harvey’s done for him in the past, but Rachel spits out that Harvey has no intention of forgiving Mike and that Mike should just move on.

Things brings us directly to Pointless Fight #3, as Mike confronts Harvey for the millionth time. They have the same argument as always –Mike’s done everything to get Harvey’s forgiveness, yet it doesn’t matter because, and say it with me now: Harvey. Doesn’t. Care.

I really don’t know how much more of this I can take. Pointless Fight #4: Jessica comes to Harvey. They argue about the previous events –the merger, Mike's betrayal, etc etc. Jessica wants to make things better. Harvey asks Jessica if she would do it all over again if she could, but she doesn’t answer.

Oh god, one more. PF #5: Donna and Rachel, yet again, and this time in the bathroom. Donna asks to talk to Rachel and she snits, “I don’t know, do you want to run it by Harvey first?” Rachel. YOU ARE NOT THE CENTER OF EVERYONE’S UNIVERSE. BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET OVER YOURSELF. That felt good. Donna admits to Rachel that she told Mike the same thing as Harvey, and that she advised Mike to get over Rachel instead of lying to her. Rachel feels betrayed, since she told Donna about her kiss and feelings for Mike and Donna told him to get over her, regardless. Rachel: “You cared more about protecting Harvey than protecting me.” Donna: “Yes, Rachel, that’s my job!” Good for Donna, standing up for herself. Rachel makes a few more snide remarks, this time personally directed at Donna, and Donna decides to maturely walk away before the fight gets worse. Team Donna, duh.

Deposition room with Nick, Cameron, Harvey, Jessica, and Ava. Harvey and Jessica outsmart Nick and Cameron, twisting the story so it seems as if Nick could possibly be the briber without Ava’s knowledge. Cameron Dennis sees they’ve lost and agrees to a deal.

Louis knocks on Mike’s door, letting him know they won the eminent domain case. He makes an official offer for the associate position with him.

Mike, after ripping out his backbone, goes to Rachel’s door in typical doormat fashion and they forgive each other and kiss.

Morning at the office. Harvey gets Ava to sign the deal. Donna comes up to Harvey and asks him if working with Jessica made him rethink his decision to take her down and he says no, because Jessica said she would do it all over again if she could. Donna then proposes that they forgive Mike, since most of what happened was Jessica’s fault.

Mike walks into Louis’s office and accepts being his associate as they quote Jerry Maguire at each other. It’s super cute. Louis goes to get something to celebrate the occasion, when Harvey walks in and says he can’t let Mike do it. Mike smiles and agrees to go back to Harvey and they high-five, just as Louis walks back, holding a cake that says ‘Welcome to Team Litt’ and sees the whole thing. He throws the cake away, crestfallen. AW. Poor Louis.

Man, that episode was exhausting with all the fighting. Now that Harvey and Mike have officially made up, maybe we can get back to a more lighthearted tone for the show. What did you guys think of the episode? Comment below!