“In the existence of our lives, there is a single coincidence that brings us together and for a moment, our hearts beat as one.”

The quote is from the The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden and it defines the book as a whole. The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden is by the New York Times and USA Today best selling young adult and new adult fiction author, Jessica Sorensen.

The book follows Callie Lawrence and Kayden Owens who are from two different social worlds but have more in common than they know. On Callie’s twelfth birthday party her life was turned upside down. A piece of her identity and innocence was violently taken from her.

After the brutal event Callie completely shut down and talked to no one. She cuts off all her hair, wore baggy clothes and heavy black eyeliner. Her past constantly haunts her and has panic attacks if something triggers memories of that night. Callie was an outcast in high school and was constantly picked on because of her image. She cant’ wait to leave high school and her memories behind and to start fresh in college.

Kayden is the “All American Boy” popular, charming quarterback with the perfect girlfriend. He lives a less than perfect life with a mentally and physically abusive father and an oblivious alcoholic mother. Kayden has endured the beatings in silence from a young age along with his brothers. The difference is that Kayden doesn’t fight back like his two older brothers. On his high school graduation party Kayden anger consumes him and he hits the wall and makes a hole. His father comes in and repeatedly hits Kayden that he starts to fear for his life but does nothing to stop it.

Fate brings Callie into the picture as she walks by and witnesses the attack. This stops Kayden’s father and he shrugs it off as if it was no big deal. Callie helps Kayden clean his wounds and gives him ice for the swelling. Kayden is embarrassed and dismisses Callie’s worry. Callie leaves and he lingers and constantly thinks about the girl who saved his life.

College starts and fate yet again brings Callie and Kayden back together. Callie has taken baby steps in going back to her old self with the help of her best friend Seth. Seth too has his own personal demons but has helped Callie live again. Seth encourages Callie to talk to Kayden and to diminish her stand off attitude. Callie and Kayden start to get to know one another and break down each other’s walls and secrets. They both learn that by being together they save on another from the consumption of their daunting demons and learn how to trust. With the revelation of Kayden’s dangerous secret the book ends with a wicked heart-stopping cliff-hanger.

Overall The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden sheds light on the serious issue of child abuse, suicide, hate crimes and rape. It is a heart-wrenching novel that will have you in tears with the vivid details and realistic characters. Sorensen is a brilliant and eloquent writer as she develops a beautiful story of survivors that endured chilling abuse. The book will have you on an emotional rollercoaster and rooting for a happy ending for the Callie and Kayden.

Callie and Kayden’s angst love story continues in The Redemption of Callie & Kayden that will be released on August 6, 2013.