New book releases, comedy sketches, political comedy, and new films.

According to World TV PC College Humor is planning to release a full length film. Readers may be familiar with College Humor’s series Very Mary Kate, or Jake and Amir. The film will have a small budget, and focus around the customers of a small coffee shop.

Al-Arabiya reports that Egpytian comedians, including Bassem Youssef (sometimes known as the Egyptian Jon Stewart) have backed off from political comedy. Youssef even pulled an episode, saying that the current state of Egypt is “no-laughing matter.”

Tomorrow will be the release of William Shakespeare’s Star Wars. This book looks great! I am a big Star Wars fan, and of Shakespeare. Check the video out below for a bit of a preview.

If you have missed it, a popular new Youtube series is Real Conversations with My 2-Year-Old Daughter (as reenacted by me and another fully grown man). They are up to five episodes now. See episode one below. I absolutely love this series!