Finally....Some of my questions are answered.

So last week left us with Jason not looking so good. His pulse was week and we thought he could be a goner.....just kidding. Ben is evidently a part vampire and feeds Jason some of his blood. Jason jumps up fully recovered!

Nora shows up again on the Stackhouse property attempting to explain to Niall that she believes Warlow can kill Lillith; oh well maybe a good theory but Niall pushes her away and sends her flying into the anti-vampire fire of the Mayor's brigade.

The wolves discover Emma was taken by Sam and charge off to get her back. Sam pauses to save Nicole from the pack. They all escape in Lafayette's get away car. Sam sends Lafayette off with Emma in his care; shifts into a horse and carries Nicole away.

The Mayor arrives at Ginger's...of course too late. Ginger is taken into custody kicking and screaming. Eric forces Tara to tell him where she has stashed Willa. Willa tells Eric she is on the vampire's side completely. She doesn't agree with anything her father is doing and wants to help. So what is a good way to help....of course; Eric turns her and Vampire Willa is born! Eric commands her to go back to the Mayor and to prove to him that vampires are not monsters. Poor Willa; she thought she would have some alone time with Eric and she was just the sweet revenge the Vamps needed. The Mayor's most treasured family member was now the very vampire that repulses him. Willa asks her father to stop his crusade and shut down the camp. Sarah Newlin (the Mayor's new beau) shoots her with an anti vampire weapon and tells him to send her to the camp. Can the Mayor do this to his own daughter???

Andy's daughers are now late teenagers and in true teen style raid Arleen's closet and take off in Andy's squad car for a night on the town. Little do they know that Bill and Jess are having a party and inviting only them. Jessica persuades them in a local convenience store to join her at Bill's house for some fun and off they go. Bill is able to retrieve some fae blood from one of them and brings it to Takahashi who is prisoner in a lab in Bill's basement. Bill asks him to synthesize it to save the vampire race from extinction. Much to Bill's dismay Takahashi informs him the half life of the blood's molecules is simply too short and that this blood cannot be replicated. Before Bill can protest to much, Jessica's screams send him flying upstairs to find each of Andy's daughters laying in pools of their own blood and Jessica screaming that she simply "couldn't control herself". Will the girls survive? Sure hope so; Andy is an adorable daddy and is out looking for them everywhere and he know that vampires cannot resist their fae blood.

Meanwhile...Sookie goes to Ben (Warlow?!?) and apologizes, offering to make him dinner. Sookie asks Jason to keep Niall away so she can be alone with Ben. Good idea....ummm no. SPOILER ALERT! Niall knows Ben is Warlow and just as Jason and Ben charge into Ben's home to "get rid of him for good", Ben brings Niall almost to the brink of Faerie death and glamours Jason, sending him on his way. Poor Jason has no clue yet he's dreaming of Ben since his "transfusion". Ben sends Niall away into a ball of energy and goes off to dine with Sookie. Now here is where Sookie impresses me. Nothing gets past this girl. She taints Ben's food with silver (which does not seem to bother him) and during an after dinner make out session on her couch, pushes Ben away saying "Get the F@@k off my Warlow or die" holding out that impressive glowing ball of magic that radiates from her hand.

What comes next? Are Andy's girls toast? If not, will Bill succeed in using their assets to save the Vampire race? Will Willa succeed in convincing the Mayor to call off the war against the undead? Will Sookie once again triumph over her enemy? Alot of balls in the air and not just the glowing kind. Tune in next week; you know I will.