On this week’s episode of Twisted, Jo and Lacey had a sleepover, Karen had an extremely awkward moment with Regina’s mom and Jo’s dad continued to be the worst cop ever.
The episode began with Jo sitting in her father’s office. She was talking to him about alibis. Jo mentions to her father about Archie’s weak alibi and her father ignores her. I say this in every single recap, but Jo’s dad is seriously the worst cop ever. Jo, who is on the inside, says that Archie has a bogus alibi and instead Jo’s dad only focuses on one suspect? Terrible.
It is to the point that I am going to make a game of it. Every time Jo’s dad does a terrible cop move, I’m going to give him a point. Instead of discussing his terrible police work, I’ll simply give him a Bad Cop Moment [BCM] point. This episode’s BCM is 3.
Meanwhile Danny and Karen are in their house. There is an adorable flashback of Danny and his father watching soccer together in a chair that Karen didn’t like- the chair that Karen couldn’t bring herself to get rid of when Danny’s father died.
The picture attached is of young Danny and his father. The two are actually cute together. It really makes me question how that cute kid could become a murderer/murder suspect.
At school, Archie and Lacey were hanging out. He was trashing Danny and calling him creative insults. Then he said that the guys were hanging out the night before the game. Lacey then questioned his alibi the night of Regina’s party. Lacey stated that she thought that Archie didn’t like going out on game nights. He said that he only meant away games. Right.
Then, Karen is hanging out at home and Jo’s mother comes to the door. She tries to apologize to her but Karen denies her. Then, the two run into each other at the grocery store and Jo’s mother tries to be positive again. Again, Karen shoots her down. They have to wait until the third interaction when Jo’s mother invites Karen to a local community fundraiser and she accepts.
On the other mother front, Jo runs into Lacey and her mother at the cupcake shop. Lacey’s mother invites Jo to Lacey’s sleepover and Jo accepts. Then Lacey and her mother run into Regina’s mother. Regina’s mother gives Lacey a box of Regina’s things and says that she wants Danny to be arrested.
Jo and Rico go food shopping for the sleepover. Jo decides on candy corn and Rico decides that he is going to spend the evening at the diner with Danny.
At the community fundraiser, all of the other women whisper and gossip when Karen walks in. Karen tries to sit down at a table with the rest of the mothers but feels awkward and walks over to talk to Regina’s mother. She apologizes for her loss but Regina’s mother isn’t a kind.
Regina’s mother said that Danny was guilty. She was trying to get him kicked out of school. She hoped that he spent the rest of his life in jail.
Now, I haven’t exactly been on the ‘Danny is innocent’ train. But, Karen doesn’t deserve any of the grief that she is getting. Her sister-in-law was murdered. Her son was in jail. Her husband died. It was a lot on her shoulder. More than what needed to be.
When Karen returned home, the police had a warrant and searched her house for the necklace Regina was wearing when she died. They didn’t find it.
Lacey’s sleep over wasn’t exactly fun for Jo either. Lacey had Sarita (who sabotaged Jo with the video), Phoebe and Jo over. Sarita spent every second being snarky and sarcastic.
To be completely honest, I wished they’d kill off Sarita next. Or at least make her the murderer.
Jo notices the box of Regina’s things in Lacey’s bedroom. So, she goes through it and finds a video of Archie playing soccer. Regina had a video of “Archie’s greatest hits.” Jo takes it in secret but diva Sarita was awake and saw her take it.
Lacey confronts Jo about it before the soccer game and Jo said that she would do anything to protect Danny.
Danny’s first soccer game didn’t go well. They lost due to Archie being a ball hog. After, in the locker room, Danny confronts him. Danny makes Archie talk about his bogus alibi in front of the whole team. Turns out he wasn’t busy killing Regina. He was talking about going to a different school and deserting his team.
The team got super mad at him but Lacey understood and forgave him for his dishonesty.
Danny met Jo and Rico at the diner and finally told them about the necklace. It was his aunt’s. He didn’t know how Regina got it. He promised. His admission to them about the necklace almost made me think that he wasn’t a crazy killer.
However, Karen found Regina’s necklace hidden in Danny’s father’s chair and Danny looked even guiltier.

So, what did you think of the episode? It looks like they’re setting up a Jo/Lacey/Danny/Rico love square- who do you want coupled up? Also, who killed Regina?