Anna Gunn, who plays Walter’s wife Skyler on HBO’s Breaking Bad, has received death threats from fans who don’t like her character.
Gunn wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times, titled “I Have a Character Issue.”
According to Gunn, hatred for the character Skyler turned into hatred of Gunn herself. Gunn said she read a post online, saying, “Could somebody tell me where I can find Anna Gunn so I can kill her?”
Gunn explained that because Skyler disapproves of her husband Walter, who is the show’s main character, many fans do not like Sklyer, calling her “shrieking, hypocritical harpy” and “an annoying bitch wife.”
Eventually, the dislike of Skyler turned into dislike of the actress who plays her.
According to Tvnz, Gunn has taken steps to insure her personal safety, although she ultimately thinks the hatred has more to do with the perception of a woman’s role as a wife. Gunn has said that she’s glad her portrayal had been able to start a dialogue about women’s issues.
Breaking Bad is currently in its last season.
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