Got feedback? Want to suggest something for next week’s collection of funny, inspirational, cute, interesting, or otherwise worthwhile internet time-wasters? Comment below!

Disclaimer: these may not be the most timely findings, but they are things that have just been discovered this week.

Relaxing: The Headspace Meditation app for Android or iPhone combine basic teaching with 10 free “programmes,” and doesn’t require internet, which makes it great for travel. If you’re not the meditating type, you might prefer to find some new calming music on SoundCloud; that link is directly to one of my favorite artists for downtime tunes, although it’s not professionally produced the way Pandora would be.

Yummy: BuzzFeed’s boozy, fruity, or creamy popsicles come in 33 reasonably simple recipes and make use of the fresh end-of-summer fruits and berries that taste so delicious. It’s fun, it’s delicious, it’s…relatively healthy(ish)…and it’s boozy! What more could you ask of a dessert?

Cute: This baby elephant.

Courtesy of StumbleUpon.

For Ladies: So it’s that time of the month and you’re already cranky when you realize all of the chocolate is gone and you have to run to the store. And actually, you’re in the kind of mood where you want something else, but you don’t know what—something luxurious and new and awesome. Enter Juniper, the $28 box that comes every 28 days (or whatever timing you want), with painkillers, tissues, your choice of feminine products, and surprise treats you didn’t know you wanted.

Awesome: This guy makes skills look like a breeze. Watch for instant jealously—you won’t be disappointed—and if you’re as amazed as you should be, there’s a link in the description for ordering. Or you can just be impressed and feel untalented.