What do you waste your internet time on? What are the best procrastination websites and online games? What’s the latest and greatest in the World Wide Web that you think everyone should know about? Let us know—comment below!

Useful: Did you know that the human attention span is about 20-30 minutes? That means that after only a half an hour of work, your productivity is shot and BuzzFeed starts to look increasingly enticing. Enter FocusAtWill, a website that has specifically chosen music that will engage your attention enough to keep you working without being distracting. And that doesn’t mean it has to be the dreaded Classical or painful Ambient—you can choose from 7 genres. For skeptics, check out the Science (or, for the quick version, the FAQ), or just give it a go for an hour. Make sure to choose your hour wisely, though; it’s $3.99 per month after that.

Yummy: Buying Girl Scout Cookies from pushy saleswomen in pigtails and badges is a wonderful tradition and a great way to support girls. But when it’s only been 3 months since the sales ended and you’ve already binge-eaten the last of the Thin Mints in a surge of need and gluttony, you have a problem. Chef In Training is here to help. The recipe isn’t exactly the same, and I haven’t found anything to substitute for, the other two most popular cookies, Tagalongs and Samoas, but at least these can tide you over for the dead months.

Cute: This “Mushroom” that’s actually a puppy that looks like a piglet. You should definitely look at the photo story at Backspac.es if you want to understand that sentence.

Interesting/Feminist: One girl’s report of a study abroad experience in India has the internet all in a tizzy. CNN published the story (with a huge disclaimer), which can be read as both a warning and an inspiration. It will make you think, hard, and the 1,500+ comments merit browsing as well if you’re interested.

Awesome: This YouTube video of a robot dance/light show/work of art/sneak attack/crazy choreography masterpiece.