Got feedback? Want to suggest something for next week’s collection of funny, inspirational, cute, interesting, or otherwise worthwhile internet time-wasters? Comment below!

Disclaimer: these may not be the most timely findings, but they are things that have just been discovered this week.

The NY Daily News released a few quotes from a man just executed in Texas. Douglas Feldman’s road rage led him murder two truckers. The first was because “I felt like I needed to stop that man [from driving].” The other was Feldman “just acting out.” Personally, I feel that the death penalty wouldn’t be necessary if we had a few key laws in place—i.e. gun control.

Yummy: This is going to sound weird, but the NY Times has an easy recipe—video included—for delicious homemade ice cream that I just made and enjoyed and strongly recommend. You don’t even need a machine (although the article recommends one) because I can personally vouch for two other methods: the can method in the video below, and the DavidLeBovitz hand churn method, which is easy (and doesn’t require supplies!) if you have the time. The weird part is…the flavor is sweet corn.
If that sounds disgusting to you, though, you now know how to make ice cream by hand and you can pursue other flavors for a (cheap) sweet treat.

Beauty: Almost everyone looking in a mirror instantly notices flaws: the nose a friend criticized years ago, frizzy hair, small eyes. Even self-actualization gurus and models have their days. But what’s scary about this article at the Huffington Post is seeing not only how far we’ve taken beauty perceptions, but how much farther we’ll go. I strongly recommend at least clicking through the slideshow at the bottom—even though the captions are just plastic surgeon jargon, understand that the x’s mark places for improvement is frightening.

Unbelievable: The title of this ABCNews article says it all—“Study finds only 28 percent of millionaires think they’re rich.” Here’s the thing: I understand the reasoning that a few million in, for example, New York may not seem like much with cost of living sky-high. But you have to be a little out-of-touch with the world to not realize that “millionaire” still means wealthy, to the extent that I’m wondering how many millionaires didn’t grow up rich to begin with. I knew social mobility was bad, but really?

Useful: Do you ever hear music from a TV ad, want to buy it, and have no way of finding it? (No, I’m not talking about those annoying jingles, but the background soundtrack that’s really catchy.) Well, usually when that happens to me, it’s in an Apple ad. And I just stumbled upon a Wikipedia page listing all the music Apple has used in all of its advertising campaigns ever. A lot of it’s pretty good if you’re looking for something not-too-distracting for work. I especially like the 2013/05 iPhone 5 ad using “Red” by Rob Simonsen (video with track below.)