Hawaii holds the second spot in the nation for having the most homeless people; next to Washington D.C. In order to reduce this number Hawaiian lawmakers have approved a plan to help over 6,000 homeless Hawaiians.

According to CNN.com Mizuno of the Hawaii State House says the plan will do three things. 1) It will reduce the homeless rate in the state. 2) It will send them home to their families in other states and help them get back on their feet. 3) The state will save Hawaiian tax payers a substantial amount of money. Mizuno is in support of this program and is responsible for relocating Homeless people with his own hard-earned money.

Furthermore, other places in the nation also support this program. Such as: New York and San Francisco. Over the past few years these two places have played a big part in relocating families from Hawaii and have helped the homeless organize themselves and got them financially stable.

Nan Roman of the National Alliance to End Homelessness says: "I think the idea is a good idea. People often become homeless because they get separated from their support networks; their families, their friends."

Hopefully Hawaiian initiatives to help the homeless will continue to be successful and may even be a catalyst for other states to jump on board and find creative ways to help the homeless in other states as well.