Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler slammed journalist Katie Couric during the We’re the Millers star’s appearance on Chelsea Lately this week.

When Handler told Aniston that Couric asked her about her wedding, Aniston wondered if the Katie host was even a “legitimate journalist.”

"Katie Couric was asking me on her show about your wedding and I had to act like I didn't even know you were engaged because I didn't know that was out," Handler said, Fox News reports. "Then she was like, 'Well, everyone knows about it!' So, I felt really stupid."

Aniston shot back saying "What's Katie Couric? Is she a legitimate journalist? Is she getting tabloidy? Wasn't she on the Today show?"

Handler responded by saying she was on the NBC morning show but “she got a demotion to her own show."

Also during the show, the ladies talked about rumors that Handler and Courteney Cox were feuding over planning Aniston’s bachelorette party.

image: INF Daily