Big Brother host Julie Chen took the opportunity to lay into recently evicted houseguest Aaryn Gries for her racist and homophobic remarks.

According to Us Weekly, Gries was met with boos when she exited the house and when she attempted to defend herself following Chen’s questions of her racist remarks. “Being Southern, it is a stereotype and I have said some things that have been taken completely out of context and wrong. I do not mean to ever come off racist," she said defending her remarks. "That is not me and I apologize to anyone I have offended for that."

Chen did not back down from Gries’ defense, instead she read off a list of racist and homophobic comments she’s made throughout her time on the show. “Be careful what you say in the dark, you might not be able to see the b-tch," Chen quoted Gries as saying about Candice Stewart; "Shut up, go make some rice," referring to Asian player Helen Kim; and "Nobody is going to vote for whoever that queer puts up,” about Andy Herren, who is openly gay.

Gries, obviously stunned to be called out on her statements, continued to defend herself. "I really feel bad that this is how it has been seen and how I've come across to people," Gries explained. "I don't want to seem like that person and I really do respect everyone in this game, although we have had some really hard times because we’re all fighting for our lives in the game."

Chen ended the conversation encouraging Gries to rewatch the footage and hopefully get a new “perspective” on her life.

Following the comments airing, Gries was fired from her modeling job and her contract was released from another magazine.

Image: CBS