Does the Biebs really need another tattoo? Well, if it was up to us, we'd vote "no," but since it's not, he did.
According to E!Online, Justin posted his latest tattoo on Instagram last night. The tat is of a rose on his left arm, which sits around the side of his elbow above the owl tattoo on his left forearm. Underneath the photo, the caption read "Art." He got this tattoo done at Bang Bang in the Big Apple!
Is it safe to say the Biebs is addicted to tattoos?
CelebBuzz says, in 2013 Justin received over 10 new tattoos! His goal is to get a full sleeve on his arm, which won't be too hard for him since it's gotten so many already. Evidently, Justin spent four hours at the shop getting the designs on his forearm and in the meantime, ordered pizza for his crew when it was getting late.
E!Online states of Justin, "He's so gracious he hangs with his fans who waited hours while he was tattooed," Bang Bang posted.