Justin Bieber’s entourage is being investigated by the Southampton police after getting into an altercation outside of South Pointe nightclub on Saturday night.
The 19 year old pop star, who was granted entry and a spot in the VIP section despite his underage status, was not named in the probe and wasn’t involved.
Cops confirmed to E! News that members of his entourage left around 3:20am after getting there at about 2:42am. Outside of the club, his bodyguards got into an altercation in the parking lot and the victim checked into the Peconic Bay Medical Center at noon on Sunday and filed a complaint alleging assault afterwards.
Bieber was waiting outside near his SUV in the parking lot for two waitresses when people swarmed his car to take pictures of him and his bodyguards reacted.
The nightclub said in a statement, "The police are currently investigating an incident that happened off premise and down the street from South Pointe in which Justin Bieber's security confronted the individual after their car was struck with a rock after 4 a.m. The police have confirmed that there was no incident in the club or on the premises and the altercation took place off the premises. They have asked the South Pointe staff not to comment further as it is a police investigation.”
A witness at the club told the NY Daily News of his four bodyguards, “They were heavy-handed in their protection of him.”
image: Instagram