Kim Kardashian slammed Katie Couric in an epic Instagram.

Yesterday, August 15th, Perez Hilton reported that Katie Couric let slip that she doesn’t understand the whole hype about the Kardashians. With an interview with In Touch magazine, Couric said,

““I don’t understand – why are they so famous? I think it’s mostly teenage girls that are interested.”

Apparently this angered Kim Kardashian so much that she felt the need to snap back at Couric. On her official Instagram, Kardashian posted a picture of a gift and personalized note from Couric that said,

"Dear Kim and Kanye, Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!...And may I humbly suggest you continue the K tradition…Fondly, Katie Couric."

The note in the picture seems to be cut off in some places, but it’s clear that the note was meant to be sweet and short. However, Kardashian angrily tagged the photo with hashtags that read,

“IHateFakeMediaFriends” and “MayIHumblySuggestThatYouNotSendGiftsThenTalkSh—t.”

There have been no reports of Couric responding back to Kardashian’s outlash.

image: Wikicommons