Maj. Nidal Hasan was unanimously sentenced to death on Wednesday, August 28, by a jury of military officers. He was the Army psychiatrist who was accused of killing 13 people in a shooting rampage at Ft. Hood in 2009.

According to the Associated Press, prosecutor Col. Mike Mulligan said, “He is a criminal. He is a cold-blooded murderer. This is not his gift to God. This is his debt to society. This is the cost of his murderous rampage.”

Hasan represented himself during the court martial. His own standyby lawyers accused him of working with the prosecution.

It is believed he wishes to be considered a "martyr" for the attack.

Last week, Hasan was found guilty on all counts, including 32 counts of attempted murder and 13 charges of premeditated murder, according to ABC News.

He described himself as a “mujahedeen,” or a Muslim holy warrior. Hasan never denied shooting unarmed soldiers and bystanders.

The military spent over $5 million and four years to ensure Hasan would be eligible for a death sentence and convicted.

Image: YouTube screenshot