The show opens with Chloe in the shower. She's in the locker room and the tone of the scene is ominous. She screams in surprise when she shuts her locker door and finds Dove standing behind it holding a heart-shaped cookie with the words "I'm sorry." She hits it, saying she hates surprises and that she's furious he showed up like that after she finally took the hint from him pushing her away for so long.

Cut to Sam approaching Andy at a food truck. During some friendly chit chat and a little flirting,, Sam says "if you don't know me, I don't know who does." Andy sharply responds, "maybe your girlfriend."

Cue Marlo, sitting in a therapy session. When the therapist asks how things are with Sam, she says good considering that it's not easy to throw yourself into a relationship when you're keeping a secret. The therapist asks what the secret is...that she's taking medication or what she's taking it for. Soon the therapist asks if she's still taking her medications because she remembers the last time Marlo entered a relationship, inferring it didn't end well. Marlo replies that things are different with Sam, they keep a distance and he doesn't ask too much from her.

In 15 Division's morning meeting, Oliver tells everyone it's Friday the 13th, which means they should expect for people to get weird. On the way out of the meeting, Gail tries to talk to Nick but he ignores her. Andy notices Gail's sad look and asks if she's okay, but Gail rudely brushes her off and tells her to go on ahead, Nick's waiting for her.

In the next scene, Dove and Chloe are partnered and as they start to head out on patrol, they nearly run into a woman who says she's there to file a robbery report. She says a woman stole jewelry from her after she treated her. Dove is immediately not a fan because the woman calls herself Celery and says her business is making wicca-type treatments and spells. While Dove is rude and sarcastic about it, Chloe believes the woman. Soon Oliver takes over the case.

Cut to Nick and Andy in their squad car. Andy asks what's going on with him and Gail and when he avoids the question she asks again. He admits they broke up but refuses to talk about it further.

Shoot to Gail and Marlo responding to a call from two kids in the woods. One of them is muddied and freaking out about what she found: a skeleton of human remains. A forensics team is called in and Gail meets the forensic pathologist, Holly, mistaking her for a too-curious passerby. Gail is her typical rude self to Holly, even after she finds out who she is. But she goes with her to the lab to wait for test results. Sam and Traci join them in the lab and Holly says the skeleton is that of Robert Robbins. Sam recognizes the name and asks if the body has been dead for around ten years, to which Holly says yes, but she doesn't yet know how he died. Sam says it's a case he worked ten years ago as a rookie, when the man first went missing.

Sam and Traci arrive at a house and as they walk towards the door, Sam tells Traci that when you're a rookie, you follow instincts but no one believes you; when he worked the Robbie Robbins case, he thought he was dead in a pond somewhere. The man they are about to talk to was his training officer at the time, Charlie Fitzgerald. Charlie is delighted to see Sam and Sam tells him he was right about Robbie-- that he didn't go to Texas. Sam has to remind Charlie who Robbie is: the 18-year-old who went missing and his girlfriend was hysterical over it. Charlie remembers but said they traced his credit card to Dallas and Sam was only convinced he was dead because he wanted it to be his first homicide case. In the end, Sam tells Charlie he has to work the case with them, since he's technically still the lead officer on the case.

Meanwhile, Dove and Chloe bring in the woman who robbed Celery. She says Celery ripped her off, and Dove and Chloe banter again about the merits of wicca practices. Oliver then brings the recovered jewelry to Celery and awkwardly flirts with her. Soon Celery leaves and while the thief, Trina, is telling Dove and Chloe that the potion she got from Celery was supposed to bring her love, she pukes and then claims the witch poisoned her. Then suddenly, she faints.

Cut to Andy and Nick responding to an intrusion/noise complaint call at an abandoned building. A woman who was there for a project to convert the building into condos had called because she heard screams. They head inside the building to check it out, Nick more hesitant and fearful than Andy.

Elsewhere, Traci, Sam and Charlie are pouring over notes from the original missing persons case, which includes videos of a mushroom-cut-wearing Sam interrogating Craig, a friend of Robbie's whom Sam thought was keeping something from them. Sam soon leaves to tell Robbie's family the news, and Charlie tells Traci that when he met Sam he had brought him in for stealing a car but he saw something in Sam that made him offer a deal: He'd drop the charges if Sam would go back to school. The next thing Charlie knew, Sam was in the academy.

Then the show returns to Andy and Nick. Andy is giving Nick a hard time about being afraid of the building and she keeps playing pranks on him.

The scene changes abruptly to Sam telling Robbie's father about the discovery of the skeleton and he asks him about Craig. The father says Craig was always borrowing money from Robbie and even stole his girlfriend. When Sam and Charlie bring Craig back in for questioning they find out he owed Robbie about four or five thousand dollars. Craig admits he started a relationship with Robbie's girlfriend after he disappeared, but also says they should ask Robbie's dad about what happened. He says that he beat the crap out of Robbie on a regular basis. After the interview, Marlo says that forensics recovered an empty bottle of codeine in Robbie's pocket, which makes it appear that Robbie actually committed suicide.

Shoot to Gail and Holly. Holly discovers that Robbie had suffered major impact trauma before he died-- that he was hit by a vehicle. This puts the likelihood of a homicide back in the picture; Sam then visits Holly and learns Robbie had a lifetime of broken bones, and that the vehicle that hit him was probably a truck.

Meanwhile, Dove tells Oliver Celery might actually have poisoned Trina. At that moment, Celery shows up on her own and Chloe tells her that Trina is in the hospital claiming she poisoned her. Celery says she gave her the potion, told her to sprinkle it in the bath for seven days and love would find her on the seventh day. Oliver asked what was in the potion, and Celery says it was lavender, yellow jasmine, primrose. He asks if anything is poisonous, to which Celery says the yellow jasmine is, but only if you eat it. She insists Trina knew she was only supposed to bathe in it.

Cut to Nick and Andy together, in the basement of the creepy building. Both hear screams and weird noises. They call for backup, but are surprised and embarrassed when all they find is a mannequin.

Elsewhere, Sam confronts the father again, this time bringing up the evidence of child abuse. He asks what car he was driving the night he went looking for Robbie. The father says it was an SUV and insists he had nothing to do with his son's disappearance. But when Sam says it's lucky the statute of limitations doesn't run out on child abuse, the father says he made a deal with 'you people': the police wouldn't pursue the child abuse charges if he left Robbie alone and didn't go looking for him in Dallas. The father tells him it was the other officer, referring to Charlie. So a confused Sam asks Traci what evidence they had that Robbie was in Texas. She produces a letter from the Dallas PD that confirmed Robbie's whereabouts at a motel. Sam tells Traci to call Dallas PD to confirm the letter, and he reads the copy they have. He notices the word 'receiving' is spelt wrong, with Charlie's signature mistake of misplacing the 'i' and 'e'. As Sam is sitting outside Charlie's house, Traci calls to tell him that Dallas had no record of the letter and that forensics learned Robbie was alive when he was tossed into the ravine; the real cause of death was drowning. A crushed Sam leaves his gun in the car and goes to confront Charlie.

He starts off by saying he knows the letter from Dallas is fake, but Charlie plays dumb. Sam asks where his gun is because he doesn't want either of them to do something stupid. "I remember that day..." says Sam. "...I wanted to keep digging but you didn't want me to. You wanted to wrap it up..." Eventually Sam recalls that they were at a bar the night Robbie went missing. He notes that Charlie would have had to take the same road home that Robbie was last seen on. Charlie continues playing innocent. Sam says I'm going to put it in a file and let the evidence speak for itself, but before he leaves Charlie caves. He puts his gun on the table in front of Sam and says there was nothing he could have done to avoid hitting Robbie, whether he was sober or not. Sam says he should have called an ambulance. Charlie said that the kid was already dead and both their lives shouldn't be ruined over it. Then Sam tells him that Robbie was actually still alive when he threw him in the ravine. He asks what he's going to do and Charlie says he'll take care of it. Sam says if he gives him his gun, he'll let it go. At the station, he tells Traci they are going to put in the report that they had no conclusive leads.

Cut to Gail prattling about her relationship problems to Holly. She says she creates emergency situations to get out of them whenever there's a problem. In the conversation that ensues, she learns Holly is a lesbian.

At the hospital, Chloe and Dove talk to Trina, who says she knew she shouldn't have eaten the potion, but she was desperate. At that moment, to the utter shock of Dove, the man Trina had been waiting for walks in and the two share a loving embrace. Oliver then says an awkward, flirty goodbye to Celery.

Charlie turns himself in.

Dove approaches Chloe in the locker room, sneaking up on her. When she yells at him for doing that again, he says I want to catch you off guard because that's what you've done to me. He asks for a second chance, admitting he wants to date her on the regular. He says she's a game changer and that freaked him out at first but he is determined to get a second chance. Eventually, she says "took you long enough", and kisses him. (Chloe/Dove shippers rejoice!)

Nick and Andy walk out of the station together and Andy asks again what's going on with him. He looks as if he's about to tell her but she plays a joke on him and they playfully embrace as they exit. ("Come on already!" yell frustrated Andy and Nick shippers.)<.>

In the closing scene, Sam looks on jealously before joining Marlo. They have a lame conversation and Sam moves closer, expressing his dissatisfaction with the nature of their relationship. He says "I don't want to wake up one day and realize nobody knows me." So Marlo encourages him to share, and he tells her about his troubled childhood, in relation to how he met Charlie and how hard the day was for him because of his adoration of Charlie. But Marlo still doesn't tell Sam about her condition.