This week in comedy comes with news about fanfiction based stand-up, and update on James Franco’s Comedy Central Roast, Woody Allenand Jim Gaffifgan’s pilot.
For those of you who are fanfiction fans or love to hate it, here is an article about fanfiction based comedy. It has some links to examples, and a critique of the show.
Jim Gaffigan, probably best known for his Hotpocket based stand-up and his extreme pale state, is reworking a pilot for CBS, reports The Hollywood Reporet.
A few weeks ago, Comedy Central announced a roast of James Franco. They jut announced that Seth Rogan is going to be the roast master. The roast will air on Comedy Central on September 2, 10 p.m. ET/PT.
Comedy Central has launched an app for the Xbox 360. It will allow viewers to access certain stand-up shows, and clips.
Get ready for Austen. Jane Austen, if you want me to be a bit more specific. According to the Wall Street Journal, Sony Pictures Classics purchased the rights to “Austenland”, a film that showed at Sundance Film Festival, and is going to try to appeal to the masses. It is going to premiere in New York and Los Angles August 16, and a wider releases September 13.
Leaving what many might consider the biggest news for last, Entertainment Tonight reports that Woody Allen may be performing stand-up soon. I do not know about anyone else, but I am definitely interested to see that performance.