Eydie Gorme, the popular American singer known for her hit "Blame It on the Bossa Nova," died on Saturday at the age of 84. Take a moment to remember Gorme's life by checking out ten of her songs that made Billboard's Top 50 in the US.

10. "Tonight I'll Say A Prayer"
There was no need for Gorme to pray that this song would do well. This 1969 song and reached number 45 in the US.

9. "I Want You To Meet My Baby"
Released in 1964, "I Want You To Meet My Baby" eventually reached number 43 on Billboard's Hot 100.

8. "Too Close for Comfort"
This song was released in 1956 and climbed to 39 on Billboard's Hot 100 in the US.

7. "I Can't Stop Talking About You"
No one could stop talking about "I Can't Stop Talking About You." This 1963 song reached number 35.

6. "Mama, Teach Me To Dance"
"Mama, Teach Me To Dance" danced its way to number 34 on the Hot 100 list in 1956.

5. "I Want To Stay Here"
Released in 1963, "I Want To Stay Here" wasn't stationary for long. It climbed to number 28.

4. "Love Me Forever"
"Love Me Forever" was released in 1957 and was ranked 24.

3. "Fini"
This song, which was released in 1954, reached 19 on Billboard's Hot 100.

2. "You Need Hands"
You need hands to turn up the radio to listen to this 1958 song, ranked 11 in the US.

1. "Blame It On The Bossa Nova"
You can't think of Eydie Gorme without thinking about this hit single, which reached number 7 on Billboard's Hot 100 in 1963.