Whether for health reasons, animal rights, or just jumping on the bandwagon, more and more Hollywood stars are adapting a vegan lifestyle. These are the top ten celebrities of today who have sworn meat and dairy and from their diets.
10) Jason Mraz
The reggae pop "I'm Yours" singer boasts that he's been in the best shape of his life since switching to a vegan diet. According to Veggie Focus, Mraz said, "My health and strength make me a better performer and all that combined gives me more confidence to go out in the world and shine my light. It also makes me a lot better in bed. Just sayin."
9) Carrie Underwood
American Idol winner and country singer Carrie Underwood became a vegan out of a concern of where her food originates. Underwood said in an ideal world she would be able to watch all the places her food comes from with a web cam so she knows how clean it is!
8) Ellen DeGeneres
This favorite talk show host and comedian thinks her diet is no laughing matter. DeGeneres noticed a huge improvement in her health from her vegan diet, and said, "Honestly, I would eat cardboard rather than go back to eating animals," according to ABC.
7) Andy Hurley
The drummer of rock band Fall Out Boy calls veganism a "compassionate way of life." The "Light Em Up" singer likes being independent of other life forms.
6) Betty White
This actress became a vegan in order to advocate animal rights. In lieu of gifts for her 91st birthday, White asked her friends to donate to the Morris Animal Foundation.
5) Tobey Maguire
The Great Gatsby star has been a vegetarian since he was 19, but switched to veganism in 2009. Maguire says it was an easy lifestyle adjustment to make.
4) Kristen Bell
The actress and new mom says veganism to her is mostly about the health benefits instead of animal rights. Nevertheless, she earned PETA’s title of sexiest vegetarian 2013.
3) Lea Michele
The Glee star admits that she eats a lot despite her petite frame and vegan diet. “People get confused, like, you know, I just eat grass,” she once said.
2) Mike Tyson
This former heavy weight champion lost 100 pounds after switching to a vegan diet. Tyson now wishes he had been a vegan since birth.
1) Anne Hathaway
Our number one vegan spot goes to actress Anne Hathaway. Hathaway reportedly had custom vegan shoes made for role in Les Miserables in order to avoid using any animal byproducts.
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