10) Miley Cyrus
Cyrus entered onto the stage out of a giant stuffed bear revealing an outfit that consisted of a furry leotard with the face of a teddy bear on it – the ears of which fell tastefully on her bosoms. After her entrance, Cyrus twerked her way through a rendition of her hit “We Can’t Stop,” but we were surprised she was even able to sing since her tongue seemed to hang out of her mouth nearly the whole time. All in all, Cyrus’s performance was one hot mess.
9) Robin Thicke
Just when we thought it was over, Cyrus collaborated with Thicke for his hit “Blurred Lines.” Thicke’s black and white striped suit was very eye catching, but not enough to keep our eyes off of Cyrus who at this point had stripped down to nude underwear. Audiences everywhere were shocked when, Cyrus rubbed herself between her legs with a foam finger and grinded up on Thicke, who is a married man.

8) Kanye West
West’s performance landed in spot number eight simply because it just wasn’t memorable. West sang “Blood on the Leaves” as he stood still in front of a background of… leaves. Also, when seeing West at the VMAs we can’t help but remember the 2009 incident when he stole the microphone from Taylor Swift, saying she didn’t deserve her award.

7) Kevin Hart
Although not a musical performance, Harte’s stand-up comedy seemed to receive mostly crickets from the crowd, when he wouldn’t stop talking about Lady Gaga’s “yams” and calling the members of ‘N Sync fat and out of shape.
5) Drake
Drake really got the crowd going with his performance, however after hearing him rap the line “started from the bottom now we here,” one too many times in a row, we were ready to move on.

5) Bruno Mars
Mars’ performance of “Gorilla” showed his immense talent and great voice, but he didn’t have quite enough of a performance to make it into our top four.

4) Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Mary Lambert
Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, featuring Mary Lambert gave a very moving performance of “Same Love,” showing musical talent and their passion for gay rights. The song also won the award for Best Video with a Social Message.

3) Lady Gaga
Gaga’s performance of her new single, “Applause” had more costume (and hair) changes than we’ve ever seen in a single song. Gaga belted it out as she was dressed and undressed, finally ending the song in a mere seashell bra and thong. However, Gaga somehow pulled off wearing a thong more classily than Cyrus in her cheek-covering undies.

2) Katy Perry
Perry’s finale performance under the Brooklyn Bridge was a theatrical performance of her new single, “Roar.” Perry put on the act of a boxer in the ring, which was a refreshing change from her normal fake eyelash, cotton candy outfit appearance.

1) Justin Timberlake / ‘N Sync
Finally, the number one spot goes to Timberlake, who sang a medley of his hit songs for a whooping 15 minutes straight. Of course, the cherry on top was the much anticipated performance of his old 90s boy ‘N Sync, who sang a piece of their hit “Bye, Bye, Bye.” Timberlake continued to steal the night when, after his smash performance, he also won the coveted Video of the Year Award for “Mirrors.”