Breaking Nova is the latest novel by the New York Times and USA Today best selling young adult and new adult fiction author, Jessica Sorensen.

Breaking Nova presents a realistic and moving story line with realistic characters. Nova Reed and Quinton Carter carry the cross of their past experiences painfully each day. Both feeling guilt and trapped within their own minds. Depression and remorse consumes them everyday that they don’t know how to find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Nova has had a hard life with losing her father at a young age and the recent death of her boyfriend. Landon unexpected death sent Nova’s world in a destructive whirl wind because she thought they would be together forever. Nova spends everyday trying to find control of her own life and find the answers behind Landon’s death. She can’t bring herself to break away from the invisible chains that detain her to live her old lifestyle again.

Before Landon’s death Nova dreamed of becoming a famous drummer and living her happily ever after with the love her life. She now struggles to find peace and happiness and turns to things she never would have considered doing before. Everything changes once she lays her eyes on Quinton. There is a spark of life, a second chance, a feeling of passion as he enters her life.

Quinton reminds Nova of Landon with his intense and saddened honey brown eyes. As they get to know one another its as if their lost souls find a connection. Quinton has had a rough life with his mother dying at his birth, and being in a car accident that took the life of his beloved girlfriend and cousin. Quinton briefly died on site but they were able to revive him.

He hates that he was given a second chance at life because he feels solely responsible for the death. A piece of Quinton died that night since his life now consists of drugs and wallowing in regret. Nova makes him feel like there is a chance to be happy again, but his depression and issues outweigh his feelings for her. He struggles with his self-conflict of coming to terms with his past and starting over.

Breaking Nova is written in dual prospective which is amazing since we get to pick at the psyche of Nova and Quinton. Sorensen successfully once again pulls you into her addictive story with her passionate and meaningful words. The angst love story will have you in tears, break your heart and mend it with a hopeful happy ending. The amount of detail and imagery will allow you to feel the raw and painful emotions that Nova and Quinton endured. Sorensen places you in the middle of the book and you can feel, see, taste, and hear all the experiences that consumed Nova and Quinton’s life.

There will be a total of three books for this groundbreaking raw story. Breaking Nova ends with a glimpse of what to expect for the next book that will be released on February 4, 2014. Sorensen ends with a wicked cliff-hanger that will leave you longing to know what lies ahead for Nova and Quinton.