Forbes has named Modern Family’s Sofia Vergara the highest paid television actress, raking in $30 million from June 2012 to June 2013 thanks mostly to endorsement deals. Kaley Cuoco and Mariska Hargitay tie for No. 2, but Vergara leads by a longshot.

The Big Bang Theory star, Cuoco, earns $300,00 an episode but she jumped up $3 million from last year thanks to endorsement deals with Priceline and Toyota. She made $11 million from last year to June of this year. Hargitay is also in the No. 2 spot on the list, raking in $11 million for her 14th season.

Other big names to make the list are the Kardashian sisters, Tina Fey, Scandal’s Kerry Washington, Ellen Pompeo from Grey’s Anatomy and Mindy Kaling, Huffington Post reports.

One arguably surprising person on the list is former Real Housewives of New York star, Bethenny Frankel, who made $10 million from her Skinnygirl empire and her upcoming syndicated daytime talk show Bethenny.

Combined, the top 20 women on the list made a whopping $183 million.

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