Former reality star Jon Gosselin of Jon and Kate Plus 8 fame is revealing how his life is drastically different from being a tabloid fixture and having a hit television show on TLC just a few years ago.

The father of eight is now living in a cabin in the woods of his home state of Pennsylvania and waiting tables for a living at a local restaurant called Black Dog.

“At first I was nervous because I was like, 'How are people going to react?'" he told Entertainment Tonight on taking the job. "But then I'm thinking, 'Well it's fun and I get to talk to people.' And they technically already know me…they're like 'Are you the guy?' I'm like, 'Yeah, I'm the guy.'"

He also said of his messy divorce and past mistakes when the show ended that he doesn’t regret doing the show. "I don't regret anything.You learn from your mistakes. That's what builds you to who you are today,” he said.

Gosselin also said he has hit rock bottom “like 20 times,” but he’s content with his life now, a far cry from the $1.3 million home he lived in at the peak of his fame. He said his cabin has no internet and no television.

Meanwhile, Gosselin’s ex-wife, Kate Gosselin, recently did a cover story for People and talked about her own financial status.

“To not have a reliable income is scary,” she said at the time. “I made so many mistakes, of course.”

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