Jane Lynch, Glee costar of the late Cory Monteith and the speaker for his Emmys tribute, commented on the complaints from Adam Klugman that Monteith got a larger tribute than his father.

Lynch said, “I’m a huge fan of Jack Klugman. Obviously I don’t choose these things. But he was there in the beginning of television and he had a terrific career, and if I was his son maybe I would be upset too,” according to TMZ.

Adam complained that his father deserved the spot more than Monteith, because his father won several Emmys while Monteith never did. Adam also criticized honoring a drug addict.

When probed further about the issue, Lynch said, “I’m really proud to be up there for [Monteith] tonight.”

Lynch certainly looked proud as she took the stage in a classic black pantsuit for Monteith’s Emmys tribute. Lynch spoke fondly of the late actor as black and white photographs of him were shown in the background.

Lynch said, “Cory was a beautiful soul. He was not perfect, which many of us here tonight can relate to. His death is a tragic reminder of the rapacious, senseless destruction that's brought on by addiction,” according to E News.

Photo: Fox