Justin Bieber got in a brawl in a Toronto nightclub.

According to TMZ Bieber was charged by a clubgoer who tried to tackle the singer. The incident occurred Saturday at 3 am in a Toronto nightclub. The male clubgoer charged and attempted to take down the singer once he left the VIP section. Bieber's security team swooped in and knocked the attacker down, keeping him off Bieber. The "Baby" singer was seen manically kicking in an attempt to defend himself.

According to TheStar.com the man who eagerly approached Bieber was actually a fan. Orin Bristol, operations manager at the Adelaide St. W. club, said “The fan was just a small little guy. He wasn’t being aggressive.” Bieber's security interpreted the approach as a threat and tackled him down. Reportedly, a $40,000 gold chain was also lost in the commotion.

NYDailyNews.com reported that the attacker was promptly escorted out of the club. Bieber and his entourage then left and the police were not called.