It's a little early to start thinking about the upcoming Super Bowl but a marijuana legalization advertisement may appear in the well-known Super Bowl commercials.

Intuit is sponsoring an online voting contest to award one American small business a spot during the Super Bowl and The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws are pushing hard to win.

Along with 10,000 entries the contest has received, the NORML are currently in the lead of getting votes from the consumers.

"Together, we the people, are ending the US war on pot," said NORML, reported The Inquistr. "[W]e are beautifully positioned to make sure a responsible, adult American citizen is never again arrested for enjoying the beauties of recreational marijuana."

Even though Intuit has stopped working with businesses that promote medical marijuana, they decided not to disqualify NORML.

"Though marijuana isn't as taboo a subject since its legal approval in varying states, it is the equivalent to a scarlet letter — albeit one tainted green — that their brand is now forced to wear," said brand guru Peter Madden, according to CNBC. "Such is the danger to brands who go the contest route."

NORML have confirmed that they will proceed to the next round and the final winner will see their commercial during Super Bowl.