On this week’s New Girl, Winston almost killed a cat, Schmidt was a two-timing douche bag and Nick and Jess explored their relationship.

Season three of New Girl has really seemed like it was going to be more individual character development based rather than the relationships within the loft. It seems that Schmidt has a storyline that is based outside of the gang and Winston does too.

This is a season of character development, and while I am happy about that, it does make these recaps rather difficult with the jumping around. I’m going to try a new style of recapping by simply running down each character’s story line. It will not only be easier to understand but I can also really dig deep with what happened in each of their lives.

Winston: Winston’s story line was actually sad. He began the episode telling the guys that he was going to ask Daisy (Brenda Song) to be his girlfriend- to be exclusive. He was going to ask her to ride a two-person bike and sit on the rear. (Schmidt and Nick told him not to phrase it like that.)

Winston was in charge of watching Daisy’s cat, Ferguson, for the weekend. He figured that meant that Daisy was serious about the relationship. When he arrived to get the cat, Daisy agreed to be exclusive. Except, it turns out that she had a guy in her apartment. So, Winston was watching her cat while Daisy was with another dude.

To get back at Daisy, instead of breaking up with her or cheating on her, he decided that he was going to kill her cat. Obviously, he didn’t. But he did man-up and dump Daisy. But he kept the cat. Welcome to the loft, Ferguson.

Schmidt: Oh, Schmidt. He is normally such a fun character. His little bit of pretentiousness is charming and fun. However, his deal with Cece and Elizabeth isn’t funny at all. It is gross and mean.

Schmidt began the episode telling the people of the loft that cats weren’t welcome. He said that cats were obsessed with his nipples (eye roll) and they tried to suck milk out of them.

Beyond that, Schmidt spent most of his time juggling two ladies. He was having an office party and invited Cece first. However, when Elizabeth came to visit his office, Schmidt’s coworker, Bethany, invited Elizabeth to the party as well. Schmidt showed Elizabeth his new office “a mini-version of Don Draper’s office in Mad Men.”

Because Elizabeth was invited, Schmidt called Cece and uninvited her. He said that it was only for employees. She said that it was ok because he photo shoot was going to run late. Except it didn’t because the shoot had real bees and Cece was not game for that. Because she was heartbroken, Cece went to Schmidt’s party anyway. Unsurprisingly, Elizabeth sees Cece at the party. Schmidt lies and says that Cece is a caterer. He convinces Cece to wear and apron. Schmidt convinces Elizabeth that they are going to have a sexual situation. They were going to play strangers at a party.

When Cece sees Elizabeth, she assumes that Elizabeth works at the office. So, even though both girls went the same party and saw each other Schmidt got away with dating both.

Again, two-timing douche bag

Jess and Nick: I know, I know; Jess and Nick are two different characters. However, it seemed that Nick has become Mr. Jess Day. He isn’t grumpy Nick Miller anymore and I am having a hard time getting used to it. In this episode, Jess was trying to get into the cool kids group of teachers at the school. So Nick, her “old man” was going to help her because he was cool in high school and she was a nerd.

After Nick brought school supplies to the cool teachers and invited them for free drinks at the bar, they accepted Jess into their group. As Jess woke up with a hangover, the guys sang I Believe I Can Fly to wake her up and get her to go to school.

The cool teachers convinced Jess that she needed to break into the principal’s house and swim in his Jacuzzi. Jess jumps over first and Nick chases after her, trying to get her to stop. They get caught and are stuck in the Jacuzzi with him.

The next day at school, Jess says she doesn’t want to hang with the cool teachers and decides to hang out with her “old man.”

I’m not sure how I feel about this season of New Girl but this episode had funny parts and parts that were lame. One thing is for sure, soon, they might have to change the title to The Jess and Nick Show.