Sandra Bullock gave paparazzi a taste of their own medicine while dropping her son Louis off at school.
The proud mother turned from snapping photos of her adorable son, to snapping pictures of the annoying shutterbugs behind her, E! News reports.
Bullock hasn’t been shy about her sons hatred for the paps, telling Parade magazine back in June, “We're adults, and we're fair game—not that I like being photographed going in and out of school in my sweatpants…But I instinctively throw things over Louis's head….He doesn't like [the paparazzi]. He gives them the stink-eye, and they're like, 'That's such an angry kid,' but I look at them and say, 'Only when you guys are around.'"
Bullock isn’t the only actress to show her angst toward paparazzi, Halle Berry showed her support for an anti-paparazzi bill which aims to provide more protection for children. Berry noted her own daughters fear of the camera-happy shutterbugs explaining that her daughter is “too scared” to go to school because she fears “the men are watching her.”
Image: NBC