Comedian Sarah Silverman wrote a touching obituary for her dog, Duck. The obituary even got Alec Baldwin to emerge from Twitter silence.

On Wednesday, the Sarah Silverman Program star tweeted a link to her WhoSay page, where she has posted pictures of the dog and her obituary.

She explained how she met Duck 15 years ago at a shelter. “He was a happy dog, though serene. And stoic. And he loved love,” Silverman wrote. “Over the past few years he became blind, deaf, and arthritic. But with a great vet, good meds, and a first rate seeing-eye person named me, he truly seemed comfortable.”

Suddenly, Duck’s heath started declining and he wouldn't eat. “I couldn’t figure out this hunger strike. Duck had never been political before. And then, over the weekend, I knew. It was time to let him go.”

According to Yahoo News, Silverman’s boyfriend, Kyle Dunnigan, and sister Laura helped Silverman make Duck’s last moments as comfortable as possible.

“I held him and kissed him and whispered to him well passed his passing. I picked him up and his body was limp – you don’t think about the head – it just falls. I held him so tight,” she wrote. “And then finally, when his body lost its heat, and I could sense the doctor thinking about the imminent rush hour traffic, I handed him over.”

The doctor gave Duck a shot and he passed away a short time later. Silverman called Duck her “best friend” and noted that her 14 years with Duck was her “longest relationship.”

She thanked her fans for their condolences. One fan was Baldwin, who tweeted a picture of a dog.

image: NBC