Saturday Night Live has announced the addition of six new cast members following the departure of several long running cast members over the last two seasons.
The new featured players added were Beck Bennett, Brooks Wheelan, John Milihiser, Kyle Mooney, Michael Patrick O'Brien and Noel Wells, USA Today reports.
Bennett is best known at the moment for his AT&T commercials where he talks to kids. Mooney has appeared as small characters on shows like Parks and Recreation. O'Brien has been around since 2009 working in the SNL writers' room.
The six new cast members will have the tough task of replacing Kristen Wiig, Andy Samberg, Fred Armisen, Bill Hader and Jason Sudeikis who have left over the last two seasons of the show and represented the most popular cast members.
According to Entertainment Weekly, it was also announced that Cecily Strong will be co-anchoring the news with Seth Meyers and will take over after he leaves midway through the season.
Tim Robinson has also been moved to the writers' room and off the stage.
As previously reported Tina Fey will be hosting the season premiere with Arcade Fire as the musical guest.
image: NBC