Earlier today it was announced that actress Scarlett Johansson would be tying the knot a second time, this time with current boyfriend Romain Dauriac. The couple have been engaged for a month and have just now decided to go public as a source told People "They’re engaged and very happy” reports Hollywood Life. The couple has been dating for just under a year, going public in November 2012, not long after Johansson's split from Nate Naylor.
Johansson's ring is a beautiful vintage Art Deco piece, a bit different from the diamond and ruby ring she was spotted wearing back in July that sources insisted was "simply a piece of jewelry", E! News reported.
After her divorce from husband of three years Ryan Reynolds back in July 2011, Johansson apparently had no real desire of getting married a second time, telling Elle UK in December, "It's really not important to me. The only time I ever think about it is when people ask me, 'Would I get married again?'"
Despite her previous remarks, it appears that Johansson will in fact be walking down the aisle again soon. Congrats Scarlett!
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