Taylor Lautner, who has never gotten a permanent tattoo, admitted that sometimes he has dreams of his entire body being covered in them.
Lautner talked to MTV on the set of his upcoming movie Tracers. The 21-year-old actor sported several fake tattoos for the film, including a band on his arm and the words “no sleep until we’re done.”
Lautner said of the tattoos, “I’ve gotten so used to them, but I don’t know if I’d be able to do it, definitely not like this, in my life.” He elaborated, “That’s what I love about acting. You get to do things and get away with things that you would never be able to.”
In Tracers, Lautner plays a young man who works as a bike messenger to pay off his debt. Then, he meets a girl who draws him into the running, jumping, flipping sport of parkour, according to the film’s imdb profile.
Although Lautner would not actually get the tattoos his parkour-loving character has, he did admit, “I do have dreams where I am just covered in tats, like up my neck and all this crazy stuff, but I never would do it.”
Photo: Wikimedia Commons